Islamabad, the 4th November, 2015.- A meeting of the Election Commission was held today under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Chief Election Commissioner, Justice Sardar Muhammad Raza Khan to discuss the shortcomings/problems faced during the 1st Phase of Local Government Elections in Punjab and Sindh and to review arrangements for the 2nd Phase of LGEs in both the Provinces as well as Islamabad Capital Territory. The Hon’ble Members of the Election Commission, Provincial Election Commissioners of Punjab/Sindh, and senior officers of the Election Commission of Pakistan attended the meeting.
The Secretary ECP, after his opening remarks, apprised the Hon’ble Election Commission about the overall situation of 1st Phase of LGEs Punjab and Sindh while separate presentations were given by the following officers as per following detail:
1- The JS (LGE) briefed about achievements and difficulties faced in the 1st phase of LGEs,
2- The Add. Secretary (Admn) briefed about the printing of ballot papers, transportation of election material for the 1st phase and status of preparation about the 2nd phase,
3- The Add. Secretary (Training ) informed about the training conducted so far and continued for the 2nd and 3rd Phase of LGEs,
4- While the PEC Punjab and Sindh highlighted the success and hurdles faced during the 1st phase and recommended appropriate suggestions to overcome these hurdles,
5- The ADG (PR) briefed about the successful voter education campaign for the 1st Phase of LGEs,
6- The Director (MIS) briefed about the updation of Electoral Rolls and 8300 SMS for voters’ facilitation.
The Hon’ble Chief Election Commissioner and Members of the Commission expressed their satisfaction over the conduct of 1st Phase of LGEs in both the Provinces with slight reservations. Moreover, the Secretary and all concerned were directed to take immediate steps for overcoming the hurdles and shortcomings so that the upcoming phases could be conducted in a better manner.